This is an amazing opportunity to positively impact the lives of some fantastic young girls and boys and help develop our core values of hard work, determination, teamwork, confidence, humility, and fun!

What are the time commitments?
A typical NEYSO recreational team will have one or two practices a week, for an hour, depending on age. A season is usually 8 weeks of games, with games mostly held on Saturdays (although there are occasional Sunday afternoon games).
I’m not sure if I’m ready to be a head coach…can I just help with a team?
Yes! When registering, please email our DOC that you are willing to help and become an ‘assistant coach.’ Coaches are also able to ‘co-coach’ with another coach.
How do I get gear?
Once placed with a team, each head coach is given more information upon registration.
Where will my team practice?
Teams practice in the same geographical area as the school that the majority of the players on the team are from.
Can I choose the field where my team practices?
Coaches can request a field through the majority of the zip codes from the team, however, they can not always be fulfilled due to field space limitations. Worth a shot though!
Can I coach my kid?
Yes! To coach your child’s team, please add your child’s name in the appropriate field during coach registration.
I know that I won’t be available every weekend to coach. Can I still coach?
Yes! Please register as a head coach. Once complete, communicate with your club manager that you need an assistant, and we will find someone to work with you!
Any resources to help me become a better coach?
Yes! Please see our coach's corner for more information.
Where can I find information and rules? Rules can be found here, and coach education information can be found here.
Email Director of Recreation
-Indicate that you would like to return as a volunteer coach for the Spring 2022 season.

For Questions Contact:
|Recreational Soccer Director | [email protected]